New to Wine?

Wine Made Fun
Welcome to the world of wine made easy. Just think of us as your trusty wine wingman—here to make sure you have a delicious, fun, and stress-free wine experience.

Stemware Not Required
We’ll let you in on a little secret: anything can be a wine glass if you pour wine into it. There, we said it. Now enjoy your Barefoot Wine from your favorite mug, mason jar or—if you’re feeling fancy—a stemmed wine glass!
Mix It Up
When it comes to mixology, Barefoot does some of the heavy lifting for you. Our versatile wines are wonderfully flavorful and add a touch of “mmmm…that’s nice” to your cocktails.

Cool it Down
Don’t have time to chill White wines, Bubblys or Fruitscatos before serving? We’ll start with the obvious (and quickest) fix: Add ice to your glass. There is no wrong way to enjoy Barefoot. Got 15 minutes? Here’s a hack: salt lowers the temperature of ice water. Simply submerge your wine in a bucket (or whatever’s on hand: a bowl, cooler, plastic bag, etc.) filled with ice water and a liberal amount of salt. Just don’t put wine in the freezer—it could explode. (Not an exaggeration!)

No need to get too technical – let’s break this down. Wine is made from fermented grape juice. The grapes are picked when they’re perfectly ripe and sweet, sweeter than any table grape at the grocery store. Our winemaker, Jen Wall, will sometimes retain some of the natural fruit sweetness to give some of our wines their sweet personality.
Pro Tip To Find a Wine You Like
Drop the judgment and start sampling. You don’t know what you like until you taste it, and only YOU get to decide what’s delicious. We’ve simplified the process of finding your perfect pour by suggesting categories, like red, white, pink and sweet. When you find a wine you like, try another one in the same group.

Become a Wine Wiz

You’re doing great! Ready to learn more? Get the low-down about food pairings, hear from our winemaker Jen Wall, and so much more.